Your local Coffs Harbour FCA bookkeeping expert.

We make dealing with us easy so you can worry less and focus on your business.

Our bookkeepers save you money by minimising accountant fees and government fines with better money management.

Investing in our senior and experienced bookkeepers means we get your books right so you don’t have to worry anymore.

Focus on running your business and we’ll focus on running your books.

Sabina Ramana – Coffs Harbour

Interest Areas: Accounting Setup, Bookkeeping, BAS & Payroll, Software Training, Tax Return preparation and lodgement

Languages: English

Sabina Ramana runs First Class Accounts Coffs Harbour. She is a registered Tax Agent. Working as an Accountant in public practice in the tax sector for many years where she assisted small business owners in running their businesses successfully, she has now commenced her own business of providing tax and bookkeeping services to small and medium business owners in the Coffs Harbour and surrounding areas. Also having experience working in the insolvency sector, Sabina fully understands the difficulties facing today’s business owners.

Sabina is always looking for ways to help and improve businesses with a strong focus on payroll and cash flow management and getting your books in order quickly and efficiently. Her attention to detail and passion to help business owners succeed is paramount and she is committed to working with her clients to strengthen their financial position and help them keep their business accounts up-to-date and compliant. Sabina is very competent with all major bookkeeping softwares and can provide the best options for her clients.

To see how Sabina can help your business grow and succeed, contact her now for a free initial consultation.

Your Coffs Harbour Specialist in Bookkeeping services

Keep Your ATO Lodgements Up to Date

Completing your IAS or BAS on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis.

EOFY tasks, including finalising STP

End-of-year tasks like reconciling accounts and adding Tax Agent adjustments.

End of Payroll year process including STP

Balancing payroll accounts and fixing discrepancies before lodging with the ATO.

Setting up and maintaining your accounting systems

Including inventory, payroll, and up-to-date reconciliations

Software Training

Training and support in all Accounting Software products (MYOB, Reckon, Intuit and Xero) and associated app/addon training

Bank Reconciliation

Maintain all bank accounts, bank feed setup and keep them reconciled.

Cash Flow Management

Monitoring income and expenditure to establish your immediate cash flow.

Setting Realistic Budgets

Setting up budgets to help you run your business.

Preparing and lodging tax returns

Ensuring compliance by preparing and lodging your tax returns.


  • Successfully completed the First Class Accounts Accredited Bookkeeping Training Program
  • Fully trained in accounting software Xero and a Diamond partner with MYOB
  • Chartered Accountant
  • Associate of The Tax Institute
  • Bachelor of Business in Accounting
  • Registered Tax Agent (# 26077656)
  • Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Trusted by Businesses across Australia

I have no hesitation in recommending Sabina for all accounting and bookkeeping needs. Sabina genuinely wants the best for her clients and will go the extra mile. She is polite, professional and a breeze to deal with. – Cassandra Hodson

Serving clients in Coffs Harbour and surrounding areas

  • 2447 Macksville
  • 2448 Nambucca Heads
  • 2449 Bowraville
  • 2450 Coffs Harbour
  • 2452 Sawtell
  • 2453 Dorrigo
  • 2454 North Bellingen
  • 2455 Urunga
  • 2456 Woolgoolga
  • 2460 Grafton
  • 2462 Ulmarra

Contact us for a free 1 hour initial consultation

Book an appointment using our online system or call us.