My First Year in Business Part 3

January 12, 2024

🚀 I was thinking about some things that I have learnt in My First Year in Business

💡 I think it is important to reflect on these “learnings” and try to draw some lessons.

First 🕘Time management is very important, it’s not just doing things efficiently, as a small businessperson there are millions of projects that you can throw your time at.🌀🌀However, not all of them are worth the investment and some are downright time thieves. 🚧 Whether it is spending a day answering questions outside of the scope of service, working on unproductive marketing strategies and/or simply trying to decide on the picture of social media posts, sometimes effort does not mean reward. 😫

Second a classic rookie 👼mistake is not knowing my worth and chasing low quality jobs.💼 Some clients may drive you crazy with demands, attitude, and expectations,😮 while not actually providing any financial benefit. These were often lowballs ⚾️ caught due to not knowing what I was worth. Good Business is built on good relationships with mutual respect and understanding,👊 nurturing these relationships helps the business grow. ✌️

This year has been challenging, but navigating through challenges from outside or inside the business is inevitable,👏 I am discovering the art of resilience, determination, and wisdom to know how to spend my time. 🏆