Two things business should know now that RATs are FBT exempt

February 14, 2022


#PSA There has been a change in legislation surrounding fringe benefit tax (#FBT) and the costs of rapid antigen tests (#RATs) so make sure you are up to speed on the changes as we all adjust to #CovidNormal.

In a nutshell: Australians can claim rapid antigen tests (RATs) when they do their #tax, and businesses will be excused from the fringe benefits tax (FBT) as the COVID-19 tests. Additionally business’ FBT liability would be decreased by $20 for a dual-pack of RATs, while a person on more than $45,000 would receive around $6.50 back in tax for a two-pack of RATs worth around $20.

How will this affect your #business? Is there more the government can do to help with this?

Read Full Article HERE
