The 5 best habit tracker apps in 2021

September 29, 2021

The 5 best habit tracker apps in 2021

By Harry Guinness · August 24, 2021

With books like Atomic Habits by James Clear and Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg cracking the New York Times bestseller list over the past couple of years, building good habits—or breaking bad ones—has never been a more popular idea. And one of the most powerful ways to stick to your new habits is by tracking when you do them. 

There are lots of apps that offer some kind of habit tracking. Most are based around the idea of building a daily streak or not breaking a chain of Xs on a calendar, although some offer a bit more nuance than that, allowing you to set the number of days per week or month that you want to do your habit. We considered more than 30 of the most popular habit tracking apps—a lot fell short, but after extensive testing, here are the best five. 

The best habit tracker apps : READ MORE