Bank feeds and the reasons to use them

January 30, 2022

Bookkeeping services Wanneroo

Check out the video on why Bank feeds are so important to working smarter.

I created this video to help explain why it is so important to ensure bank feeds are connected to your Accounting software.

It is important for accurate data and also to help with automating your bookkeeping.

Working Smarter, not harder is so much easier now with the technology the accounting packages offer us.

Making us of bank feeds, ensures we can match receipts to the correct transaction and it also means we don’t miss transaction as we are not manually entering the information into the software.

We have up to date records so we can know where our business is at on a daily basis.

We can ensure our sales are accounted for as soon as they are paid, and it helps to keep track of cash flow.

We also don’t need to keep filing cabinets of receipts for our expenses, we can just upload them to the accounting software and match them with the bank transaction when it comes across. Which makes for more accurate records.

Keep an eye out on our Youtube channel and our Blog page for more videos like this to help you automate your bookkeeping.